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Perfect Science Icons

perfect science icons

Create a great scientific software faster with this set of scientific icons. Perfect Science Icons depict objects and symbols common in science and engineering, including Retort, Test Probe, Molecule, Structure, and many more.

Google translation

Erstellen Sie eine große wissenschaftliche Software schneller mit dieser Reihe von wissenschaftlichen Symbole. Perfect Science Icons zeigen Objekte und Symbole gemeinsam in Wissenschaft und Technik, einschließlich der Retorte, Test Probe, Molekül, Struktur, und vieles mehr.

perfect science icons - science, science symbol, atom, atom symbol, atomic, physics, geography, ecology, chemistry, biochemistry, retort, labs, measuring glass, test-tubes, test-tube, dna, dna analysis, strong base, acid, ph, thermometer, knowledge, sum, infinity, percent, plus, minus, abacus, calculator, math icon
perfect science icons - card file, card index, open card index, empty card index, location, position, aviation, keyboard, electricity, electric power, battery, statistic analysis, chemical calculations, chemical analisys, warning, disaster, execute, information, info, about, query, question, question mark, questionnaire, what is it, how to, help book, investigation, search, find icon
perfect science icons - find on computer, find in folder, view, eye, hint, hints, database, computer, server, data server, chip, oscillograph, signal test, logical unit, webcam, web camera, id, award, certificate, reports, newspaper, book of record, lesson, help, book, books, book library, science library, distance learning, roll icon
perfect science icons - telephone directory, attribute, bar graph, graph, 3d bar chart, statistics, demography, 3d chart, pie chart, chart xy, chart, drawing, brief case, case, gear, configuration, tools, options, wizard, light, flame, nuclear explosion, supernova, lamp, fluo, view spectrum, prism, spectacles, x-ray, x-ray picture icon
perfect science icons - scales, opponents, student, teacher, lector, professor, scientist, astronaut, structure, object, resources, chessboard, genealogy, hardness, diamond, drop, filter, virus, water molecule, microscope, test probe, pipette, hourglass, timer, time machine, gauge, compass, navigator, wind rose, first satellite icon
perfect science icons - space station, rocket, meteorite, target, weather, sun, recycling, nature, clover, economics, globe, world, web, earth, green earth, time zone, terrestrial globe, internet, radio transmitter, radio telescope, radio transmission, university, school, factory, industry, company, chemical plant, coal power plant, harmful, corrosive icon
perfect science icons - general danger, poison, oxidizing, flammable, explosive, bio hazard, electrical hazard, radioactive, radiation icon


Science, Science symbol, Atom, Atom symbol, Atomic, Physics, Geography, Ecology, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Retort, Labs, Measuring glass, Test-tubes, Test-tube, DNA, DNA analysis, Strong base, Acid, PH, Thermometer, Knowledge, Sum, Infinity, Percent, Plus, Minus, Abacus, Calculator, Math, Card file, Card index, Open card index, Empty card index, Location, Position, Aviation, Keyboard, Electricity, Electric power, Battery, Statistic analysis, Chemical calculations, Chemical analisys, Warning, Disaster, Execute, Information, Info, About, Query, Question, Question mark, Questionnaire, What is it, How to, Help book, Investigation, Search, Find, Find on computer, Find in folder, View, Eye, Hint, Hints, Database, Computer, Server, Data server, Chip, Oscillograph, Signal test, Logical unit, Webcam, Web camera, ID, Award, Certificate, Reports, Newspaper, Book of record, Lesson, Help, Book, Books, Book library, Science library, Distance learning, Roll, Telephone directory, Attribute, Bar graph, Graph, 3d bar chart, Statistics, Demography, 3d chart, Pie chart, Chart xy, Chart, Drawing, Brief case, Case, Gear, Configuration, Tools, Options, Wizard, Light, Flame, Nuclear explosion, Supernova, Lamp, Fluo, View spectrum, Prism, Spectacles, X-ray, X-ray picture, Scales, Opponents, Student, Teacher, Lector, Professor, Scientist, Astronaut, Structure, Object, Resources, Chessboard, Genealogy, Hardness, Diamond, Drop, Filter, Virus, Water molecule, Microscope, Test probe, Pipette, Hourglass, Timer, Time machine, Gauge, Compass, Navigator, Wind rose, First satellite, Space station, Rocket, Meteorite, Target, Weather, Sun, Recycling, Nature, Clover, Economics, Globe, World, Web, Earth, Green Earth, Time zone, Terrestrial globe, Internet, Radio transmitter, Radio telescope, Radio transmission, University, School, Factory, Industry, Company, Chemical plant, Coal power plant, Harmful, Corrosive, General danger, Poison, Oxidizing, Flammable, Explosive, Bio hazard, Electrical hazard, Radioactive, Radiation

Google translation

Science, Science-Symbol, Atom, Atom-Symbol, Atomic, Physik, Geographie, Ökologie, Chemie, Biochemie, Retorte, Labs, Mess-, Glas-, Test-Röhrchen, Eprouvette, DNA, DNA-Analyse, Strong base, Acid, PH, Thermometer , Wissen, Sum, Infinity, Prozent, Plus, Minus, Abacus, Taschenrechner, Mathematik, Card-Datei, Kartei, Open-Kartei, Leere Kartei, Lage, Position, Luft-, Keyboard, Elektrizität, Strom, Batterie, Statistische Analyse , Chemie-Berechnungen, Chemische Analyse-, Warn-, Disaster, Ausführen, Information, Info, Über, Query, Frage, Fragezeichen, Fragebogen, Was ist das, Wie, Hilfe Buch, Untersuchungen, Suchen, Suchen, Finden Sie am Computer, finden Sie in Ordner, Ansicht, Auge, Hinweis, Hinweise, Datenbank, Computer, Server, Daten-Server, Chip, Oscillograph, Signal-Test, Logical Unit, Webcam, Web-Kamera, ID, Award, Certificate, Berichte, Zeitung, Buch der Rekord, Lektion, Hilfe, Buch, Bücher, Bibliothek, Wissenschaftliche Bibliothek, Fernstudium, Roll, Telefonbuch, Attribute, Bargraph, Grafik, 3D-Balkendiagramm, Statistik, Demografie, 3d, Kreisdiagramm, xy-Diagramm, Grafik, Zeichnung, Aktentasche , Case, Zubehör, Konfiguration, Extras, Optionen, Assistent, Licht, Flame, nukleare Explosion, Supernova, Lampe, Fluo, Profil-Spektrum, Prism, Brillen-, Röntgen-, Röntgen-Bild, Waagen, Gegner, Student, Lehrer, Lektor, Professor, Wissenschaftler, Astronauten, Struktur, Objekt-, Ressourcen, Schachbrett, Genealogie, Härte, Diamond, Drop, Filter, Viren-, Wasser-Molekül, Mikroskope, Prüfspitze, Pipetten, Sanduhr, Timer, Time Machine, Messgerät, Kompass, Navigator , Windrose, Erster Satellit, Raumstation, Rakete, Meteorite, Target, Wetter, Sonne, Recycling, Natur, Clover, Wirtschaft, Globus, Welt, Web, Erde, Grüne Erde, Zeitzone, Erdkugel, Internet, Radio-Sender, Radioteleskop, Funk, Universität, Schule, Fabrik, Industrie, Gesellschaft, Chemiefabrik, Kohle-Kraftwerk, gesundheitsschädlich, ätzend, General Gefahr, Gift, oxidierend, brennbar und explosiv, Bio Gefahr, Elektrische Gefahr, radioaktive, Strahlung

 Beispiels-Icons und Katalog downloaden

 Dieses Icon-Set jetzt für 79.95 EUR kaufen!


  • Bildgrößen: 16x16, 20x20, 24x24, 32x32, 48x48 Pixel
  • Dateiformate: ICO, PNG, GIF, BMP
  • Icon-Varianten: normal, hot, disabled
  • Anzahl der Bilder: 189
  • Preis: 79.95 EUR

    Icons kaufen - perfect science icons

    Icons downloaden - perfect science icons

    Über Perfect Science Icons

    Create a slick and professional scientific or engineering application or Web sites faster and easier with a comprehensive collection of scientific icons. Perfect Science Icons carry common images of objects and symbols used in various areas of science and engineering, such as Retort, Test Probe, Molecule, Structure, numerous mathematical symbols, Chemical and Statistics Analysis, and many, many more.

    Scientific projects are not limited to calculations. Hence Perfect Science Icons presents symbols and objects that are not strictly related to science, such as About, Question, Query, Info, Warning, Help, Search, Hints, Newspaper, Library, and even Telephone Directory shall you need one in your books.

    Perfect Science Icons save your time and money spent on ordering or developing your own icons for the project. Designed as a matching set, Perfect Science Icons share common colors and gamma, forming a unique, easily recognizable style. Designed by professional software engineers specializing in Human Interface Development, Perfect Science Icons are perfectly usable. The icons from the scientific set are easily recognizable even in their smallest sizes. The neutral colors are neither too bright nor too dull at just a perfect saturation, causing no eye strain to the users of your software.

    Everyone's requirements are different. Various sizes and resolutions, different color depths and styles of the graphics are often required to release a single project. Perfect Science Icons are available in sizes of 16x16, 20x20, 24x24, 32x32, and 48x48 Pixel, and are supplied in 16 and 256 colors, as well as slick 32-bit True Color versions. Each icon from the scientific set comes in three states: normal, disabled, and highlighted. Perfect Science Icons are supplied in Windows Icon (ICO), Bitmap (BMP), GIF, and PNG formats. Full-size previews of Perfect Science Icons are available on the Perfect Icons Web site.
    Über Perfect Science Icons
    Google translation

    Erstellen Sie eine glatte und professionelle wissenschaftliche oder technische Anwendungen oder Webseiten schneller und einfacher mit einer umfassenden Sammlung von wissenschaftlichen Symbole. Perfect Science Icons führen gemeinsame Bilder von Objekten und Symbolen in verschiedenen Bereichen der Wissenschaft und Technik, wie z. B. Retorte, Test Probe, Molekül, Struktur, zahlreiche mathematische Symbole, Chemie-und Statistik-Analyse verwendet, und viele, viele mehr.

    Wissenschaftliche Projekte sind nicht auf Berechnungen beschränkt. Daher Perfect Science Icons Symbole und Objekte, die nicht unbedingt die Wissenschaft bezogen, wie z. B. über Geschenke, so Anfrage, Query, Info, Warnung, Hilfe, Suche, Tipps, Zeitung, Bibliothek und sogar Telefon-Verzeichnis benötigen Sie eines Ihrer Bücher.

    Perfect Science Icons sparen Sie Ihre Zeit und Geld für die Bestellung oder die Entwicklung Ihrer eigenen Ikonen für das Projekt ausgegeben. Konzipiert als ein passender Satz, Perfect Science Icons gemeinsame Farben und Gamma, bildet einen einzigartigen, leicht erkennbaren Stil. Designed by professionelle Software-Ingenieure, spezialisiert auf Human Interface Entwicklung, Perfect Science Icons sind jetzt voll nutzbar. Die Symbole aus der wissenschaftlichen gesetzt sind leicht zu erkennen, auch in ihren kleinsten Größen. Die neutralen Farben sind weder zu hell und nicht zu langweilig auf eine perfekte Sättigung, so dass kein Auge anstrengen, um die Benutzer Ihrer Software.

    Everyone's Anforderungen unterschiedlich sind. Verschiedene Größen und Auflösungen, verschiedene Farbtiefen und Stile in die Grafiken sind oft erforderlich, um ein einzelnes Projekt freizugeben. Perfect Science Icons sind in den Größen von 16x16, 20x20, 24x24, 32x32 zur Verfügung, und 48x48 Pixel und sind in 16 und 256 Farben geliefert, sowie glatte 32-Bit True-Color-Versionen. Jedes Symbol aus der wissenschaftlichen Set ist in drei Zustände: normal, Behinderte, und hervorgehoben werden. Perfect Science Icons in Windows Icon (ICO), Bitmap (BMP), GIF-und PNG-Format geliefert. Full-size-Vorschau von Perfect Science Icons sind auf der Website von Perfect Icons zur Verfügung.