![]() ![]() Medical Icons for Vista![]() Medical Icons for Vista has been created to eliminate any misconceptions arising while viewing a medical webpage or operating a medical program. The variety of icons on the medicine-related topic will help the user to get the right meaning instantly. Google translation Medical Icons for Vista wurde geschaffen, um alle Missverständnisse entstehen beim Betrachten einer ärztlichen Webseite oder den Betrieb einer medizinischen Programm zu beseitigen. Die Vielfalt der Symbole auf dem Medizin-verwandten Thema wird dem Benutzer helfen, die richtigen Sinne sofort. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Symbolbilder:Health care, Health care SH, Health care shield, Health care shield SH, Shield, Shield SH, Insurance, Insurance SH, Ambulance car, Ambulance car SH, Medical bag, Medical bag SH, First-aid, First-aid SH, Medical insurance, Medical insurance SH, Boss, Boss SH, Head physician, Head physician SH, Physician, Physician SH, Doctor, Doctor SH, Surgeon, Surgeon SH, Hospital nurse, Hospital nurse SH, Appointment, Appointment SH, Optometrist, Optometrist SH, Cardiologist, Cardiologist SH, Urologist, Urologist SH, Stomatologist, Stomatologist SH, Veterinary, Veterinary SH, Psychoanalyst, Psychoanalyst SH, Druggist, Druggist SH, Search nurse, Search nurse SH, Search doctor, Search doctor SH, Doctor info, Doctor info SH, Receptionist, Receptionist SH, Secretary, Secretary SH, Hygienist, Hygienist SH, Scientist, Scientist SH, Professor, Professor SH, Computer doctor, Computer doctor SH, Tooth, Tooth SH, Bad tooth, Bad tooth SH, Check tooth, Check tooth SH, Remove tooth, Remove tooth SH, Delete tooth, Delete tooth SH, Temporary tooth, Temporary tooth SH, Tooth status, Tooth status SH, Sound tooth, Sound tooth SH, Tooth-brush, Tooth-brush SH, Tooth-paste, Tooth-paste SH, Hollywood smile, Hollywood smile SH, Mouth, Mouth SH, Heart, Heart SH, Patient-man, Patient-man SH, Patient-woman, Patient-woman SH, Pregnancy, Pregnancy SH, Baby boy, Baby boy SH, Baby girl, Baby girl SH, Patient-boy, Patient-boy SH, Patient-girl, Patient-girl SH, Adult patient-boy, Adult patient-boy SH, Adult patient-girl, Adult patient-girl SH, Patients, Patients SH, Add patient, Add patient SH, Edit patient, Edit patient SH, Check patient, Check patient SH, Remove patient, Remove patient SH, Delete patient, Delete patient SH, Patient info, Patient info SH, Search patient, Search patient SH, Patient warning, Patient warning SH, Deseased, Deseased SH, Angel, Angel SH, Anatomy, Anatomy SH, Thermometer, Thermometer SH, Syringe, Syringe SH, Vaccination, Vaccination SH, Vaccinations, Vaccinations SH, Ampoule, Ampoule SH, Ampoules, Ampoules SH, Test tubes, Test tubes SH, Blood test, Blood test SH, Tablets, Tablets SH, Pill, Pill SH, Pills, Pills SH, Drugs, Drugs SH, Tablet, Tablet SH, Viagra, Viagra SH, Propecia, Propecia SH, Drug, Drug SH, Natural drug, Natural drug SH, Phial, Phial SH, Drug basket, Drug basket SH, Empty basket, Empty basket SH, Retort, Retort SH, Structure, Structure SH, Atom, Atom SH, DNA, DNA SH, Genetics, Genetics SH, Spray, Spray SH, Microscope, Microscope SH, Search, Search SH, Balance, Balance SH, Stethoscope, Stethoscope SH, Cut, Cut SH, Documents, Documents SH, Case history, Case history SH, Books, Books SH, Book library, Book library SH, Mail, Mail SH, Address book, Address book SH, Card file, Card file SH, Questionnaire, Questionnaire SH, Calendar, Calendar SH, Report, Report SH, Reports, Reports SH, All reports, All reports SH, Blanks, Blanks SH, List, List SH, Medical invoice, Medical invoice SH, Medical invoice information, Medical invoice information SH, Medical invoice paid, Medical invoice paid SH, Cheque SH, Cheque, Bar-code, Bar-code SH, Bar-code scanner, Bar-code scanner SH, Account, Account SH, Accounts, Accounts SH, Sick-list, Sick-list SH, Certificate, Certificate SH, Knowledge, Knowledge SH, Label, Label SH, Cardiogram, Cardiogram SH, Baby carriage, Baby carriage SH, Wheelchair, Wheelchair SH, Medical store, Medical store SH, Store, Store SH, Box, Box SH, Brief case, Brief case SH, Tag, Tag SH, Call bell, Call bell SH, Emergency, Emergency SH, Call, Call SH, Dark hand, Dark hand SH, OK, OK SH, Good mark, Good mark SH, Bad mark, Bad mark SH, Palm, Palm SH, Index, Index SH, Ear, Ear SH, Brain, Brain SH, Brain probe, Brain probe SH, Eye, Eye SH, View, View SH, Eye chart, Eye chart SH, Spectacles, Spectacles SH, Genealogy, Genealogy SH, Demography, Demography SH, University, University SH, Hospital, Hospital SH, Drugstore, Drugstore SH, Green cross 3d, Green cross 3d SH, Green cross, Green cross SH, Red cross, Red cross SH, Red Cross and Crescent, Red Cross and Crescent SH, Disaster, Disaster SH, Bio hasard, Bio hasard SH, Radiation, Radiation SH, X-ray, X-ray SH, Poison, Poison SH, Death, Death SH, Skull, Skull SH, Coffin, Coffin SH, Grave, Grave SH, Gift, Gift SH, Recycling SH, Recycling, Food, Food SH, Porridge, Porridge SH, Apple, Apple SH, Four-leafed clover, Four-leafed clover SH, Hemp leaf, Hemp leaf SH, Tree, Tree SH, Relaxation, Relaxation SH, Flower, Flower SH, Bacteria, Bacteria SH, Rat, RatSH, Bug, Bug SH, Mosquito, Mosquito SH, Health, Health SH, Pets, Pets SHGoogle translation Gesundheitswesen, Gesundheit & Schönheit SH, Gesundheit & Schönheit Schild, Gesundheit & Schönheit Schild SH, Shield, Shield SH-, Versicherungs-, Versicherungs-SH, Krankenwagen, Krankenwagen SH, Medizinische Tasche, Arzttasche SH, Erste Hilfe, Erste-Hilfe-SH, Medical Versicherungen, medizinische Versicherung SH, Boss, Boss SH, Chefarzt, Chefarzt SH, Mediziner, Arzt SH, Doktor, Doktor SH, Chirurg, Chirurg SH, Krankenschwester, Krankenschwester SH, Termin, Termin SH, Augenoptiker, Optometrist SH, Kardiologen, Kardiologe SH, Urologe, Urologe SH, Zahnarzt, Zahnarzt SH, Veterinär-, Veterinär-SH, Psychoanalytiker, Psychoanalytiker SH, Apotheker, Apotheker SH, Suche Krankenschwester, Krankenpfleger Suche SH, Arzt-Suche, Suche SH Arzt, Doktor info, Doktor info SH , Empfangsdame, Empfangsdame SH, Sekretär, Sekretärin SH, Hygieniker, Hygieniker SH, Wissenschaftler, Wissenschaftler SH, Professor, Professor SH, Computer-Doktor, Computer SH Arzt, Zahn-, Zahn-SH, Bad Zahn, Bad Zahn SH, Zahn-Check, Check Zahn SH, Zahn entfernen, entfernen Zahn SH, Zahn Löschen, Löschen Zahn SH, Temporary Zahn, Temporary Zahn SH, Zahn-Status, Tooth Status SH, Sound Zahn-, Sound Zahn SH, Zahnbürste, Zahnbürste SH, Zahnpasten, Zahnpasten SH, Hollywood-Lächeln, Hollywood-Lächeln SH-, Mund-, Mund-SH-, Herz-, Herz-SH, Patient-Mann-Mann-Patient SH, Patient-Frau-Frau-Patient SH, Schwangerschaft, SH Schwangerschaft, Baby boy, baby boy SH, Baby girl, baby girl SH, Patient-Junge, Junge SH-Patienten, Patienten-Mädchen, Mädchen-Patient SH, erwachsenen Patienten-Junge, Junge Erwachsene Patienten-SH, erwachsenen Patienten-Mädchen, erwachsenen Patienten-girl SH, Patienten , Patienten, SH, hinzufügen Patienten, Patienten SH hinzufügen, bearbeiten Patienten, Edit Patient SH, Check Patienten, Check Patient SH, Den Patienten, SH Den Patienten, Patienten Löschen, Löschen SH Patienten, Patienten-Info, Patienteninfo SH, Suche Patienten, Suche SH Patienten, Patienten-Warnung, Warnung Patient SH, erkrankte, erkrankte SH, Angel, Angel SH, Anatomie, Anatomie SH, Thermometer, Thermometer SH, Spritzen, Spritze SH, Impfung, Impfung SH, Impfungen, Impfungen SH, Ampulle, Ampulle SH, Ampullen, Fläschchen SH, Reagenzgläser, Reagenzgläser, SH, Bluttest, Blutuntersuchung SH, Tabletten, Tabletten SH, Pill, Pill SH, Pillen, Tabletten SH, Drogen, Medikamente SH, Tablet, Tablet SH, Viagra, Viagra SH, Propecia , Propecia SH, Medikamenten, SH, natürlichen Mittel, natürlichen Mittel SH, Fläschchen, Phiole SH, Drug legen, Drug legen SH, leeren Korb Leerer Korb SH, Retorte Retorte SH, Struktur, Struktur, SH, Atom, Atom-SH, DNA-, DNA-SH, Genetik, Genetik SH, Spray, Spray SH, Mikroskope, Mikroskop SH, Suche, Suche SH, Balance, Balance SH, Stethoskop, Stethoskop SH, Cut, Cut SH, Dokumente, Dokumente SH, Anamnese, Anamnese SH, Bücher, Bücher SH, Bibliothek, Bibliothek Buch SH, E-Mail, E-Mail SH, Adressbuch, Adressbuch SH, Card-Datei, Card-Datei SH, Fragebogen, Fragebogen SH, Kalender, Kalender SH, Bericht, Bericht SH, Berichte, Berichte SH, Alle Berichte Alle Berichte SH, Blanks, Blanks SH, List, List SH, Medical Rechnung, Medical Rechnung SH, Rechnung Medizinische Informationen Medizinische Informationen Rechnung SH, Medical Rechnung bezahlt, bezahlte Rechnung Medical SH, SH Scheck, Scheck, Bar-Code, Strichcode-SH, Bar-Code-Scanner, Barcode-Scanner-SH, Konto, Konto-SH, Konten, Konten-SH,-list Sick, Sick-list SH, Zertifikat, Zertifikat SH, Wissen, Knowledge SH, Label , Label SH, EKG, EKG, SH, Kinderwagen, Kinderwagen SH, Rollstuhl, Rollstuhl SH, Medical Store, Medical Store SH, Store, Shop-SH, Box, Box SH, Aktentasche, Aktentasche SH, Tag, Tag SH, Klingel, Glocke Call SH, Not-, Notfall-SH, Anrufen, Call SH, Dark Hand, Dark Hand SH, OK, OK SH, gute Marke, gute Note SH, Bad Marke, Bad Marke SH, Palm, Palm SH, Index, Index SH, Ohr, SH, Brain, Brain SH, Brain-Sonde, Brain-Sonde SH, Auge, SH, Blick, Blick SH, Eye-Chart, Eye-Diagramm SH, Brillen, Brillen SH, Genealogie, Ahnenforschung SH, Demografie, Demographie SH, Universität, Universität SH, Krankenhaus, Hospital SH, Apotheke, Drogerie SH, Green Cross 3D, Green Cross 3D SH, Green Cross, Green Cross SH, Rotes Kreuz, Rotes Kreuz SH, Rotes Kreuz und Halbmond, Rotes Kreuz und Halbmond SH , Disaster, hasard Disaster SH, Bio hasard, Bio SH, Strahlung, Strahlung SH-, Röntgen-, Röntgen-SH, Poison, Poison SH, Tod, Tod SH, Schädel, Skull SH, Coffin, Coffin SH, Grave, Grave SH, Geschenke, Geschenke SH, SH Recycling, Recycling, Nahrung, SH, Porridge, Porridge SH, Apple, Apple SH, Vier-Kleeblatt, Vier-Kleeblatt SH, Hanf Blatt, Hanf Blatt SH, Tree, Tree SH, Erholung, Entspannung SH, Blumen, Blumen SH, Bakterien, Bakterien SH, Ratte, RatSH, Käfer, Käfer SH, Mosquito, Mosquito SH, Gesundheit, Gesundheit SH, Haustiere, Haustiere SH
Bibliothekfeatures![]() ![]() Über Medical Icons for VistaMedical Icons for Vista provides an almost unlimited selection of various icons on medicine-related topics, such as conventional signs of professions in healthcare, medical equipment and insurance, veterinary, etc. The icons will relieve designers and software developers of the burdensome task of creating icons for websites and desktop software on their own. Facing a certain medical term, one cannot always work out its meaning. For such cases Medical Icons for Vista has been created. The application offers a huge amount of descriptive icons on medical-related topics which will help the user of a medical website or program not to get sidetracked by incomprehensible terms. Moreover, the eye-catching icons will help the user to notice the information everywhere. The icons are delivered in the following sizes: 16x16, 20x20, 24x24, 32x32, 40x40, 48x48, 64x64 and 256x256 used for Windows Vista also. Also they are presented in two color variants: 256 colors and True Color with semi-transparency. Besides, several file formats, such as ICO, PNG, GIF and BMP are supported. Furthermore, you are welcome to order a collection of icons with only some of the available sizes (e.g. 24x24 and 32x32). In this case a discount is offered. You can also buy individual icons to suit your needs. Each icon is $4 when purchased separately. Aha-Soft plans to release the next icon packages also: Application Icon Package, Professional Icon Package, Button Icon Package, Trash Icon Package, Factory Icon Package, Love Icon Package, Software Icon Package, Stock Icon Package, Cool Icon Package, Developer Icon Package. Über Medical Icons for VistaGoogle translationMedical Icons for Vista bietet eine nahezu unbegrenzte Auswahl an verschiedenen Symbole auf der Medizin-bezogenen Themen, wie konventionelle Zeichen von Berufen im Gesundheitswesen, medizinische Geräte und Versicherungen, Veterinär-, usw. Die Symbole werden Designer und Software-Entwickler von der lästigen Aufgabe, zu entlasten Symbole für Websites und Desktop-Software auf eigene Faust. Mit Blick auf einen bestimmten medizinischen Begriff, kann man nicht immer seine Bedeutung. Für solche Fälle Medical Icons for Vista erstellt worden ist. Die Anwendung bietet eine riesige Menge beschreibender Symbole auf medizinische Themen, die der Benutzer eines ärztlichen Website oder ein Programm nicht durch unverständliche Begriffe ablenken lassen helfen. Auch die auffällige Symbole werden dem Benutzer helfen, die Informationen überall zu sehen. Die Symbole sind in folgenden Größen geliefert: 16x16, 20x20, 24x24, 32x32, 40x40, 48x48, 64x64 und 256x256 für Windows Vista verwendet. Auch sie sind in zwei Farbvarianten präsentiert: 256 Farben und True Color mit semi-Transparenz. Außerdem werden verschiedene Dateiformate, wie ICO, PNG, GIF und BMP unterstützt. Darüber hinaus sind Sie willkommen zu einer Sammlung von Ikonen mit nur einige der verfügbaren Größen bestellen (zB 24x24 und 32x32). In diesem Fall wird ein Rabatt angeboten. Sie können auch individuelle Icons, die Ihre Bedürfnisse anzupassen. Jedes Symbol ist $ 4, wenn separat gekauft werden. Aha-Soft plant, die nächste Symbol-Pakete auch die Freisetzung: Application Icon-Paket, Professional-Paket Icon, Button Icon-Paket, Papierkorb Icon-Paket, Factory Icon-Paket, Love Icon-Paket, Software Icon-Paket, Stock Icon-Paket, Cool Icon-Paket, Developer Icon Package. |