![]() ![]() Large Education Icons![]() To make the interface of your educational site as engaging and intuitive as possible, all you need is a collection of Large Education Icons. They are readily available online and depict all the commonly used subjects, actions and tasks. Google translation To make the interface of your educational site as engaging and intuitive as possible, all you need is a collection of Large Education Icons. They are readily available online and depict all the commonly used subjects, actions and tasks. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Symbolbilder:Abacus, Measure, Rulers, Pen, Pencil, Green pencil, Edit, Pencil-eraser, Eraser, Attach, Component, Spectacles, Binocular, Search, Yellow magnifier, CD, Info, About, Query, Information, Help, Hint, Question, Questionnaire, How to, Notes, Case history, Edit document, Clear document, List, Text, Text and image, Exam, Web form, Forms, Calendar, Book, Books, Library, Bookmark, Help book, Address book, Book folder, Card file, Card index, Open card index, Book of records, Laws, Music, History, Arts, Biology, Agriculture, Economics, Math, Physics, Chemistry, Health, Baseball, Football, Bike, Roller skates, Shoes, Compass, Timer, Hourglass, Light bulb, Tip of the day, Gamepad, Computing, Terminal, Calculator, Clever monkey, Microscope, 3d text, Spell checking, Food, Building, School, University, Bus, Brief case, Accountant, Editor, Conference, Family, Boy, Girl, Children, Student, Teacher, Lecturer, Professor, Chief, Scientist, Online, Index, Signature, Certificate seal, Knowledge, Certificate, Certification, Winner, World Cup, USA map, Map, WorldGoogle translation Abacus, Measure, Rulers, Pen, Pencil, Green pencil, Edit, Pencil-eraser, Eraser, Attach, Component, Spectacles, Binocular, Search, Yellow magnifier, CD, Info, About, Query, Information, Help, Hint, Question, Questionnaire, How to, Notes, Case history, Edit document, Clear document, List, Text, Text and image, Exam, Web form, Forms, Calendar, Book, Books, Library, Bookmark, Help book, Address book, Book folder, Card file, Card index, Open card index, Book of records, Laws, Music, History, Arts, Biology, Agriculture, Economics, Math, Physics, Chemistry, Health, Baseball, Football, Bike, Roller skates, Shoes, Compass, Timer, Hourglass, Light bulb, Tip of the day, Gamepad, Computing, Terminal, Calculator, Clever monkey, Microscope, 3d text, Spell checking, Food, Building, School, University, Bus, Brief case, Accountant, Editor, Conference, Family, Boy, Girl, Children, Student, Teacher, Lecturer, Professor, Chief, Scientist, Online, Index, Signature, Certificate seal, Knowledge, Certificate, Certification, Winner, World Cup, USA map, Map, World
Bibliothekfeatures![]() ![]() Über Large Education IconsIt is obvious, that education had always been the best possible investment. And, so are the educational tools. Weather you are designing an application for schedule management, a school web-site, or just customizing your desktop to help you learn, a bright and stylish set of Large Education Icons is the right thing for you. This set is specially designed to help the users intuitively understand the icons` meanings, so the user`s attention is not drawn away from the subject they work on. And, as all the icons are created in a similar style and perfectly matched, they work together to create a convenient interface, that contains all the educational essentials. The set contains icons for all the typical school subjects, such as Physics, Chemistry, History, Biology, Arts and other. Icons reflecting the educational process, for example, Notes, Spell check, Award, Measure, e t c, and general purpose icons are included. Large icons sizes are specially presented in the set to make it easily visible and recognizable for children and elderly people with vision problems. It is fully compatible with Windows Vista and Windows 7 systems, as well as with all the older versions of Windows. For the Linux and Mac users PNG files are provided. The set is available in 16x16, 20x20, 24x24, 32x32, 48x48, 128x128, 256x256 sizes, both in 256 colors and True Color with semi-transparency channel. It can be delivered in ICO, PNG, GIF or BMP formats. Über Large Education IconsGoogle translationEs liegt auf der Hand hatte, dass Bildung schon immer die bestmögliche Investition. Und so sind auch die pädagogische Hilfsmittel. Ob Sie entwerfen einen Antrag auf Fahrplan-Management, eine Schule Web-Site, oder einfach nur Anpassung Ihres Desktops, damit Sie lernen, eine helle und elegante Reihe von Groß Bildung Icons ist das Richtige für Sie. Dieses Set ist speziell auf die Anwender intuitiv zu verstehen, die Symbole "Bedeutungen zu helfen, so dass der Benutzer` s Aufmerksamkeit nicht vom Thema sie arbeiten gezogen. Und wie alle Icons in einem ähnlichen Stil erstellt und sind perfekt aufeinander abgestimmt, sie arbeiten zusammen, um eine bequeme Schnittstelle zu schaffen, dass alle Bildungseinrichtungen Wesentliche enthält. Das Set enthält Symbole für alle typischen Schulfächer wie Physik, Chemie, Geschichte, Biologie, Kunst und andere. Icons was die Bildungs-Prozess, zum Beispiel, sind Hinweise, Rechtschreibprüfung, Award, Messen, etc., und für allgemeine Zwecke Symbole enthalten. Große Symbole Größen sind speziell in der Menge vorgelegt, damit es gut sichtbar und erkennbar für Kinder und ältere Menschen mit Sehstörungen. Es ist vollständig kompatibel mit Windows Vista und Windows 7-Systemen, als auch mit allen älteren Versionen von Windows. Für die Linux-und Mac-Anwender PNG-Dateien bereitgestellt werden. Das Set ist in 16x16, 20x20, 24x24, 32x32, 48x48, 128x128, 256x256 Größen erhältlich, sowohl in 256 Farben und True Color mit semi-Transparenz-Kanal. Es kann in ICO, PNG, GIF oder BMP-Format geliefert werden. |